Camille the Fighter
Camille the fighter. After surgeons resected 2/3 of her small intestine (11.5 feet!) due to a bowel obstruction, she's resting in critical but stable condition. The Children's team is pulling out all the stops to prevent post-op infection. Thanks so much for your kind wishes and prayers. And thanks Children's Hospital LA & LAFD. #CHLA #LAFD Camille DesJardins
Thank you to the surgeons and the whole team from Children's Hospital Los Angeles - their great team, incredible coordination, specialities, and phemonenal nurses and doctors saved Camille. It was an epic surgery that the surgeon said he will remember forever - he called Camille his Christmas miracle.
As always, she rebounds in an amazing way with such strength and grace.
#GratefulHeart #TEAMCAMILLE#WarriorPrincess #ChildrensHospitalLA